Friday, February 25, 2011

Angthom National Marine Park

This place was incredible. Took an hour by boat to get there and the boat tours around to several of the islands where it would stop and we could walk to look out points/snorkel/swim/kayak. It was amazing! At the last island we stopped at we decided to take the "walk" up to the was ridiculous. 500 meters up, and it was a solid hike/more like rockclimbing in flip flops haha. Literally had to climb the most jagged rocks at the very top, but once we made it to the point it was amazing...overlooked many of the islands and beautiful beaches. Going down was just as bad as coming up, if not worse. We basically clung onto the ropes (similar to the ones they have at the Grouse Grind) the whole way. It was probably 10x worse than the last quarter of the grouse grind (but mostly just at the top of it...the bottom portion wasnt THAT bad). Anyways, just a short update, but we are going to a Half Moon Party tonight (its in the jungle as opposed to the beach), so that should be interesting. we are going with some french people we met last night. We will probably be here for a couple more days before we head to Chang Mai.

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